APNPI Blog – Find out what is happening in our community!

Accreditation Stories and Testimonials

Accreditation Stories and Testimonials

Accreditation Stories and TestimonialsMeet Stephanie Benson Stephanie Ann Photography Why was it important to you to apply for accreditation and/or what attracted you to the accreditation program? I applied to be accredited because accreditation shows clients that I...

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Winner Feature – Marggie Duncan

Winner Feature – Marggie Duncan

Celebrating Creativity: Meet the 3rd Place Winner of the APNPI Image Competition Child Category We're thrilled to show off our 3rd place winner in the 2023 Autumn APNPI Image Competition for the Child Category. Read on below to learn more about what inspired Marggie...

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What Do Image Competition Judges Look For?

What Do Image Competition Judges Look For?

Hey, fellow shutterbugs and creative souls! Have you ever wondered what goes on behind the scenes when your masterpiece hits the competition floor? Well, get ready to peek behind the curtain, because we've got the inside scoop straight from the judges themselves! In...

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