2024 Accreditation #1 Results

A warm congratulations to all of our makers for bravely entering this round of accreditation submissions! We hope you’ll find the judges’ feedback helpful in the advancement of your journey as maternity, newborn or baby photographers and thank you all for your submissions.

A heartfelt applause to all the courageous entrants who embraced the opportunity to submit their remarkable work for judgment. We understand that this journey is no easy feat, and while feedback may present its challenges, the possibilities for growth are boundless. We wholeheartedly encourage you to reach out with any questions that arise along the way. Your courage and dedication inspire us all!

Recordings will be available for a period of 24 hours for replay.

Have you been thinking of applying for your Accreditations?

If you’ve been contemplating applying for accreditations but aren’t quite sure where to start, we have a wealth of resources to guide you through the accreditation process.  First and foremost, all apnpi members have access to the APNPI Mentorship Program where they have the opportunity of being matched with a mentor at no extra charge, to help with the journey of working towards a successful accreditation submission.

Prefer to work at things on your own?  We have a professional development section in the APNPI Library dedicated to providing you the resources you need to achieve your goals.

So, if you’re ready to turn your aspirations into achievements, we invite you to explore our resources and take the first step toward your accreditation goals. Let’s embark on this journey together and unlock new opportunities for growth and recognition.

Jennifer Robyn – owner of Shutterbug Imaging

APNPI – Social Media Manager