APNPI Competition 1st and 3rd Place Winner

1st place Child Category – “Simply Fascinating” by Trayc Dudgeon

3rd place Child Category – “Show Me Your Muscles” by Trayc Dudgeon


The Story Behind the Winning Image

Ever wonder what goes on behind the scenes in some of these amazing images, particularly those that are competition winners?

Come enjoy a peek inside the behind the scenes of these two images in another great video by Trayc Dudgeon… (then don’t forget to scroll all the way down to SEE the winning images!)

To see more of Trayc’s work:



3rd place Child Category

3rd place Child Category – “Show Me Your Muscles” by Trayc Dudgeon

Trayc Dudgeon - APNPI Competition 1st Place Winner1st Place Child Category – “Simply Fascinating” by Trayc Dudgeon

To learn more: APNPI Image Competition

Did you know…

All members receive one free entry – so go ahead try it out, you have nothing to lose!

Each image is up for an award, whether it’s in the top 3 or not.  Every submission competes against itself to earn a Merit Award (score of 80 and above).

Merit Awards are prestigious accomplishments!  They denote a level that stands out above the Accreditation level.

Competing is an excellent way for members to sharpen their skills and elevate their work.

Members learn a ton from entering their images and receiving feedback from the judges.

For more info and to enter, visit: www.apnpi.com/image-competition