APNPI Blog - Find out what's happening in our community!
Autumn Colors in Newborn Photography
There's a special enchantment that comes with the arrival of autumn, and when paired with the tender innocence of newborns, it's a sight to behold. In this exclusive showcase, our community of talented photographers present a delightful array of newborn images, each...
Ambassador of the Month : Tara Graham
Name: Tara Graham Representing: Tara Graham Photography # of Years Experience: 13Learning proper techniques and pricing for profit are two areas that many of us struggle with in the beginning, and you can really fast-track your...
Featured Photographer : Rebecca Danzenbaker
Name: Rebecca DanzenbakerRepresenting: Rebecca Danzenbaker Photography# of Years Experience: 15The best thing I ever did for my business was learn about SEO and take the time to implement best practices on my website.Tell us...
The Story Behind the Winning Image – Lilliana Norris
APNPI Competition 2nd Place Winner - Milestones Category "My Lovely Six Months" by Lilliana Norris The Story Behind the Winning Image Ever wonder what goes on behind the scenes in some of these amazing images, particularly those that are competition winners? Enjoy a...
The Story Behind the Winning Image – Jennifer McNeil
APNPI Competition 3rd Place Winner - Newborn "Always Here For You" by Jennifer McNeil The Story Behind the Winning Image Ever wonder what goes on behind the scenes in some of these amazing images, particularly those that are competition winners? Come enjoy a look...
Featured Photographer : Jennifer McNeil
Name: Jennifer McNeilRepresenting: Jennifer McNeil Photography# of Years Experience: 17The most important thing to learn when beginning to photograph newborns is safety.Tell us about yourself. What do you love doing in your...
Ambassador of the Month : Tianna Jarrett-Williams
Name: Tianna Jarrett-Williams Representing: Tianna J-Williams Photography # of Years Experience: 6 One piece of advice would be to try hard not to spend on all the beautiful props just yet, invest in business training and advice...
Image Competition – Spring 2023
APNPI International Image Competition Results!Image Competition - Spring 2023 Congratulations to our International Award Winning makers on their achievements in our recent round of competition. We are pleased to announce the following winners across the...
My Transition Away From Shoot And Burn
Written by: Marggie Duncan What the heck is shoot and burn? (Disclaimer: I originally wrote this for my clients via my webpage. I changed it up a little to pertain to photographers, you'll get the gist!) Hey! Marggie here! I hope you'll stick with me through this...
Featured Photographer : Marggie Duncan
Name: Marggie DuncanRepresenting: BennyAni Photography# of Years Experience: 7Keep going. But most importantly, remember this, if YOU don’t value yourself, NO ONE else will.Tell us about yourself. What do you love doing in your...
Fireside Chat – Image Competition
You Asked We Listened! We've heard from our members that you'd like to have interactive monthly meetings complete with guest speakers to talk about various professional development topics, and a chance to participate and connect. We've been working behind the scenes...