APNPI Educator Contract
Course Descriptions
1. Thrive Series Collection – Fun, bite sized and actionable. Cohesive and consecutive to guide and empower students. Challenges serve to focus, excite, and enable tangible growth. Exciting and empowering, these are rewarding to teach! Each part in the series is min 10 min and can be as long as you like.
- Each Thrive Series has an introduction followed by 4 to 5 short episodes, each being 10 min or more in length.
- Educators are asked to provide a short introduction video to be placed as a module with their main video in the education platform. This introduction will also be used in social media promotion and should be 30 to 60 sec in length.
- Each episode has a simple, actionable homework challenge, with a call to action. (ie: “Your homework challenge is to try these editing tips on an image of your own. Be sure to share your results in the group!”)
- Educators are welcomed to provide downloadable pdf's as supplement for students. This is optional.
- Each episode will be released separately, approximately one week at a time.
- Thrive Series episodes differ from the Masterclass series by focusing on actionable growth-focused Challenges, while the Inspire Masterclass episodes deliver in-depth philosophical and/or tips based explorations of a topic much like what you would find at a conference workshop.
2. Thrive Essentials – The same as above - but these comprise of only one, two, or three episodes instead of the standard amount of four to five episodes found in the Thrive Series Courses.
- Promotions will include but not be limited to social media, sponsored ads, newsletter, and promotional events.
- Educator information will appear in online listings, social media, newsletter, and on the APNPI website. The Organizer requests that Educators promote their course material via social media platforms where possible, on a provided schedule along with APNPI promotions, as well as, to promote in addition to schedule media blitzes at the discretion of the Educator.
- APNPI will provide Educators with social media graphics and the APNPI sharing schedule.
- Educators agree to participate in relevant media interviews at the request of the Organizer scheduled at a mutually agreeable time. Interviews are live and/or pre-recorded and released on social media. In addition, the interviews will be available in the educational platform for easy any-time access by students.
- During promotional periods, you will have use of an affiliate link code to earn bonus commissions.
- Educators agree to provide Organizer with a current headshot in 3 sizes: 1) 1280x720, (2) 1:1 ratio (under 5mb), (3) - your choice of dimensions (under 5mb), along with their biography, written summary of their presentation, a 30 sec video summary of their presentation, and 10 high resolution images for promotional use.
Educator Responsibilities Aside From Content Creation:
- Participation in a feature interview.
- Social media sharing of promotional material at your discretion.
- Social media sharing of your Masterclass or Thrive Series as per APNPI schedule and agreed upon dates.
- Availability and participation in the community group discussion during agreed upon times.
- To provide a current headshot in 3 sizes: 1) 1280x720, (2) 1:1 ratio (under 5mb), (3) - your choice of dimensions (under 5mb), along with their biography, written summary of their presentation, a 30 sec video summary of their presentation (for promotional use), and 10 high resolution images for promotional use.
Submission Deadlines:
- Within 7 days of Acceptance - a professional current headshot, biography, summary of their presentation, and 10 High Resolution Images for promotional and feature purposes.
- Date: TBA - Video content to be submitted.
- Date: TBA - Downloads for your students (where applicable).
- Date: TBA - Invoices emailed to invoices@apnpi.com . Payments are made via credit card payment. Be sure to include your email address on your invoice. (Payments are made within 30 days of course release date).
- Video content received after the submission deadline may or may not be accepted and compensated for, at the discretion of APNPI.
Compensation and Details:
- Thrive and Essentials Episodes are paid at a rate of $100 USD per episode. (ie: 5 episodes will be compensated at $500 USD).
- Educators will have optional opportunity to make use of Affiliate Links to earn bonus commissions during promotional periods.
- Educators are asked to provide invoices emailed to invoices@apnpi.com . Payments are made via credit card. Be sure to include your email address on your invoice. (Payments are made within 30 days of course release date).
- Video content received after the submission deadline may or may not be accepted and compensated for, at the discretion of APNPI.
Additional Terms:
- Educators remain the copyright holder to all information presented including content videos, interview content, social media discussions, etc, and shall grant irrevocable, worldwide, royalty-free, exclusive rights for use by APNPI or affiliated organizations at APNPI's sole discretion. APNPI will be able to use and modify content at its discretion.
- APNPI agrees to the educator selling the content on their own business platform on the condition that educators agree to keep their course and promotional (ie: promo codes) prices the same as that publicly posted with APNPI, and to be consistent with APNPI with promotion sales.
- Educators are responsible for securing model releases, content rights, and insurance where applicable.
- Educators agree and state that all materials and content presented do not infringe or violate any copyright, trademark, patent or intellectual property rights of any person or entity, nor do they promote or endorse any product, service, or device which may or is at the time of the program not approved by any governing agency.
- Educators agree to obtain any third party permissions required for any information presented and shall disclose such permissions to APNPI at least 30 days in advance of submitting content.
- Educators shall notify APNPI in writing of any sensitive content or content of an adult nature at least 30 days prior to submitting content.
- Educators shall demonstrate use of trained assistants in the event of composite imagery and no dangerous poses shall be demonstrated without spotting or hands on support. Educators agree that hands-on posing with composite imagery will be utilized in all cases of working with upright, balanced or suspended newborns (i.e. potato pose, frog pose, suspended poses etc.).
- Educators shall not sell or promote any product or service other than those listed as vendors and/or sponsors of APNPI at any time during the video or within discussions on social media.
- Video content submitted that promotes any other business, organization, program, etc other than those approved of by APNPI, will not be accepted or compensated for.
- Educators agree that they shall not defame, slander, denigrate or libel any person, firm or corporation including APNPI, its programs or representatives in any matter. Doing so will be considered grounds for dismissal of the video content and the educator will not receive their pay compensation.
- Educators agree to act as an independent contractor. Educators acknowledge they are not an employee, servant, agent, partner or joint-venture of APNPI or affiliated organizations, at any time contemplated by this Agreement and shall not represent the Educator's opinions to be that of the aforementioned. Educators - at all times - shall state Educator's opinions are those of the Education and not those of APNPI and that if any media or other materials are used, they shall so reflect.
- In the event of failure or refusal of the Educator to perform Educator's obligations under this agreement, all costs, charges and expenses the organizer incurs with the promotion and cancelled attendees due to their non-appearance shall be part of the damages to be paid by the Educator to APNPI including but not limited to attorneys’ fees and expenses.
- Submitted video content that is not in line with the terms in this contract and initial offer letter/proposal, will not be accepted.
- These Additional Terms may be modified at any time without notice with the exception of copyright which will remain the same.
Let’s get started!
1. If you’d like to accept our offer, please fill out the form below to sign the contract!
2. So that we can create your promotional Educator’s graphic for you, please Upload your 3 Headshots HERE (Each max 5 MB). We'll need three sizes: 1) 1280x720, (2) 1:1 ratio (under 5mb), (3) Your choice in dimensions (your usual headshot) (max 5 MB).
3. So we can prepare promotional materials, please Upload Promotional Images HERE (Each max 5 MB).
4. Music and bumper files for your Course Intro Video are HERE.
5. If it's ready, please Upload your Course Intro Video HERE.