Image Competition


All Members receive ONE COMPLIMENTARY Entry!!

In the spirit of helping our community come together and helping everyone to participate, we’re continuing as we did last year to offer all members one complimentary entry for the April 2025 round.

Promo code is: LIGHT2025 for the complimentary submission.


Early Bird Rates: Effective until April 15, 2025

One Entry: $35
Two Entries: $30 each (save $5 on each entry)
Five Entries: $25 each (save $10 on each entry)

Final Entry Rates:  Effective April 16 - April 22, 2025

One Entry: $45
Two Entries: $40 each (save $5 on each entry)
Five Entries: $35 each (save $10 on each entry)

Find detailed information HERE.

All images must be 2800px on the longest side.

Images must be named in the following format: Month and year being entered, category, last name, first name, city, country, image title.

For example: Jane Smith from Toronto Canada would name one of her images as follows...


Rules & Guidelines can be found HERE.

NOTE: For competition and Accreditations, APNPI no longer accepts images with newborn babies in Froggy pose or Potato Pose.  These images will be disqualified with no reimbursement of cost to the maker.  Modified potato pose where baby's head is clearly supported is accepted.

Want a discount? Become a member.
You will need an account to register for competition. Set up your free competition account or if you are already a member, please login.
