Featured Photographer : Amy Pazur

Featured Photographer : Amy Pazur

Located in North Huntingdon, Pennsylvania US

Name: Amy Pazur

Representing: Moments & Co., LLC

# of Years Experience: 9

Old brother holds his baby sister. When most brothers this age would feel a baby is a nuisance, but not him! He doted over his sibling since her birth.

Learn your camera, learn the rules of photography, but even more importantly, learn how to run a profitable business!!!

Tell us about yourself. What do you love doing in your spare time? What inspired you to newborn photography and do you photograph other genre’s in your business?

My spare time is spent as much as possible with my family! We do fun trips and fun activities. My older daughter wants to become a photographer and even sets up her baby dolls with backdrops to photograph them. My husband is a roller skater and we do that together as a hobby when we can fit it in. I do photograph other genres besides newborn. My business is set up to bring joy to growing families – maternity through birthdays, but I sometimes stretch outside of those areas as well!

What is one piece of advice you’d give to someone starting a newborn photography business?

Start it the right way! Anyone can pick up a camera a snap a picture, in fact most of us started that way. But starting like that also means it often takes longer to grow, can make it harder to change, and harder to bring in people that love and appreciate what you do. Do your homework! Learn your camera, learn the rules of photography, but even more importantly, learn how to run a profitable business!!!

Tell us about starting your business, and what played a key role in developing a profitable income.

I started my business by picking up a camera, but I did it the right way with my legal set up. I never wanted to run my business any other way, other than legit. But I was having babies the first 5 years of my business so I didn’t put the time into it that I do now. Since then I have learned, studied, grown, and changed the way I do business and am so much happier where my business stands now! The main thing for me was focusing on my business and learning how to photograph correctly. I joined a mastermind, studied in person with a mentor, and changed my pricing, and I have done nothing but grow ever since! I can’t recommend it enough.

Growing pains: tell us about some of your challenges you have faced in your business, and how you overcame them.

I believe at some point in business, every photographer has to face the dreaded price hike. I am currently in my second phase of this and it doesn’t matter how long you’ve been in business, it is always hard to weather the storm. The main thing to remember is that if you believe in it, it is probably right, you just have to give it time to work!

What should clients expect when working with you?

For me to take care of them every step of the way. I love my clients and I love being able to give them what they want and enjoy the experience along the way. I’m here to make their life easier and provide something they can enjoy long past the time their child has grown out of their arms.

A sweet little pumpkin sleeping away fall.

Not a pose every baby will let me do, but this beautiful tiny human rocked it, no pun intended!

A restful sleep in a bed made for a prince.

Just a mom looking forward to their future together.

Find out more about this photographer at:



Written by: Amy Pazur

The other morning, my daughter, Elliana, woke up and called me into her room. She was happy to be awake and happy to see me. Then, she started to talk about the picture on her dresser. It was a family photo we had taken when she was brand new! Just me, my husband, and my daughter are pictured.

Elliana wanted me to pull it from the dresser so she could hold it. I told her the photo was taken before her sister was born, and it was just the three of us in the picture. My daughter pointed out everyone in the photo and then started to hug the image in the frame.

My heart started to sing.

She was so happy to have this photo of her family. Ellie loved the picture and everyone in it. And then, she hugged the photo like it meant the world to her to have!


I don’t think I will ever forget this moment.

As mothers we want to remember everything. Every moment is precious, every memory is sweet. And this is one of the reasons why I love photography.

I have a horrible memory, but when I look at my photos, I can relive the moment. I can remember why it was taken and what we were doing. But that day showed me that those photos aren’t just important to me – they are important to my children as well.

I was so taken aback when Ellie hugged that frame.

She is a very loving child, so her sharing that emotion was not new to me. But for her to see so much love in that image, it validated what I do on a whole new level.

I placed that photo in her room for that exact reason! I wanted her to see her family and know that she was loved. And wow! Her reaction made me want to cry. That is exactly what she felt, appreciated it, and loved it! What more could you ask for?

I’m sharing this story with you to say – please don’t miss out on moments like this!

I know how hard it is to find the time to get photos of your family, but it is too important to put off. These pictures are NOT just for YOU. They are for your kids too! Your family photos, the beautiful images you put up on your walls, are just as much for your children as they are for you. They instill a love in your children that will be with them forever!

Don’t keep your photos on your hard drive.

Do NOT keep them locked in boxes in the attic. Hang your pictures proudly on the walls. Update your family photos. Show your children who you are and who they are. Show them how much you love them.

Book your photo session now! Please don’t wait to show your kids your beautiful family and how much they mean to you!

Amy Pazur is a Maternity and Newborn Photographer in Pittsburgh, PA. She provides a high level service with every step in the photography process, including the products you go home enjoying. She believes in more than just a “camera for hire” but in someone who can help you make the hard choices and capture what we can all too quickly forget – that our family is the most important thing and to that putting those unforgettable moments on the wall, makes our life that much better.

See more of Amy Pazur at http://moments-and-co.com