Located in Calgary, Alberta CA
Who has inspried you and how did you first come across their work?
Kelly Brown and Ana Brandt, both are so incredibly talented I followed them for a long time. I picked up a camera and bought all of thier tutorials. I practiced on dolls and my own baby as well. I found them both on facebook, then instagram. I love their styles, so much so it truly inspired me to become a newborn photographer as well!
What is one piece of advice you’d give to someone starting a newborn photography business?
Make sure to do your training, watch as many online tutorials as you can. Ask fellow photographers if you can sit in on their sessions to help learn newborn safety. A lot of photographers offer one on one training, some charge some don’t. Until you are confident use an assistant for safety, could be a friend or the clients sometimes like to be involved as well.
What camera do you use? What are your favourite lenses and what’s typically in your camera bag?
I,m a Canon girl! My go to lens is the 24-70mm 2.8, it is versatile and I use it for 80% of my shoots! My camera bag is full! My second favorite lens is Aigma Art 85mm 1.4, the creamiest bokeh comes from that lens! I also couldnt do without my 50mm and 35mm. I enjoy using m 70-200mm for little kids and weddings.
What is your favorite place to hold sessions and why?Where do you photograph most of your sessions? (in studio? on location?)
I love my studio obviously for newborns! However for everything else I love outdoors! My favorite location is Bowness park. It is close to my home and has sooo many possibilities for different scenes and backgrounds.
Tell us about starting your business, and what played a key role in developing a profitable income.
I think what played a key role was having a proper space for my studio. Proper training really expanded my knowledge and improved my skills. When I did the APNPI, Kelly Brown and Ana Brandt courses it taught me so much I can see the difference in my sessions after the training. When I first started I didn’t know what I was doing, I didn’t know about safety or proper posing. Thank goodness there is proper training out there!
Growing pains: tell us about some of your challenges you have faced in your business, and how you overcame them.
When I first started I lived in a small home. I had to setup and take down after every session. When we moved I made sure to have a nice space to build my studio. That helped tremendously! Once I became settled I became busier, I was then able to upgrade my lighting and camera and equipment.
What should clients expect when working with you?
My clients should expect a good time! I’m chatty and pretty easy going. A lot of clients when leaving tell me how easy the session was, how I made them feel comfortable and relaxed. I make it easy for people to relax and smile, kids usually warm up to me, I think I have only had 3 who refused to smile for me! I keep it professional! My in home studio is warm and cozy, new parents get to sit back and relax while I take beautiful photos of thier precious little one.
This little guy was a dream for his whole session! His name is Jai, what a sweet little boy he is!
Adeline, what a perfect delicate beautiful name for this little princess. <3
This mama had the sweetest sleepiest little girl. She happily cuddled and posed for me. Her mom and I chatted the day away. I love when you meet clients you just click with! I love being creative with props and matching them together. This backdrop was pink to start with, I decided to color match it as it looks much more cohesive and follows her whole session.
Shulin, hand some boy loved deeply by his parents.