Located in Lakeville, Minnesota US
Keep going. But most importantly, remember this, if YOU don’t value yourself, NO ONE else will.
Tell us about yourself. What do you love doing in your spare time? What inspired you to newborn photography and do you photograph other genre’s in your business?
I love to read!! In fact, I always have two books going at the same time. I’m always listening to one at work while I’m editing and then I have my Kindle that I read in my spare time. I bet I go through 4-6 books a month. It’s my escape from reality and allows me to shut my brain off.
My inspiration for newborn photography came when my career of being a labor and deliver nurse collided with my love of photography. The rest is history!
How would you describe your photography style? What inspires your work?
I am very simplistic, minimal. I like to keep my images timeless. Solid/neutral colors. I never want my clients to look back and think, “What the heck was I wearing?!”.
What is one piece of advice you’d give to someone starting a newborn photography business?
Keep going. But most importantly, remember this, if YOU don’t value yourself, NO ONE else will.
What is your favorite place to hold sessions and why?Where do you photograph most of your sessions? (in studio? on location?)
I’m all in studio!! I do have a gorgeous rooftop with white washed brick that I use in nice weather seasons but otherwise, I have a 2,000 sq foot studio that everything is shot in. I no longer travel to shoot.
Tell us about starting your business, and what played a key role in developing a profitable income.
Starting is hard. Keeping going is hard. But if you truly have a passion, it’ll show. Keep going. The key role in my success was and still is my customer service. Create and experience they will never forget.
This sweet family could not have been more excited to welcome their little boy. You can feel the love in the image.
Being creative in my cake smash set design is my favorite. Ice Fishing in MN was the PERFECT set for this little guy!
Sibling photos with newborns can be the most challenging, but shots like these make my heart swell. All personalities captured.
Newborn smiles are so few and far between. I LOVE when I get to capture them!