Located in New Plymouth, TK New Zealand

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<div class='fimage' style='padding:0;width: 80%;border: solid 1px #ddd;margin: 0 10% 50px;overflow: hidden'><img src='https://apnpi.com/wp-content/uploads/formidable/27/hunter-8.jpg' style='width: 100%;margin-bottom: 0px'><div class='overlay'><div><p>Naturally posed in a wooden bowl.</p><!-- [et_pb_line_break_holder] --></div></div></div>
“Babies are people not props. Make sure to put their well being and safety above everything else.”
Tell us a bit about yourself. Â What do you love doing in your spare time? Â What inspired you to newborn photography and do you photograph other genre’s in your business?
I grew up on a sheep and beef farm in Piopio, New Zealand. I did very well in the Arts, particulary painting and was meant to head off to Art school once I graduated, but put it on hold for a year to represent New Zealand at hockey and work on the family farm. I then met my now husband and went to live with him in Scotland and the Netherlands. I got my first SLR in The Netherlands and I loved it. Once we moved home to Taranaki and had our first baby, I realised exactly what I wanted to do! bAlthough I did dabble in a bit of study, getting my Certificate in Mechanical Engineering. But once i started taking photos of my babies, I never looked back. I now have 3 girls, 5, 3 and 1. My youngest still loves her photo taken, but my other two.. not so much. To be honest, my job is my hobby. So I always seem o have a camera attached to me what ever I am doing and love using it as excuse to get out and explore Taranaki with my girls. I photograph the occasional wedding, families etc as well.
Who has inspired you and how did you first come across their work?
Kristen Cook. Â Very randomly found her on youtube. Â She just has this wonderful energy and you can just see how much she loves her job and the babies she works with. Â She as this incredible connection with the babies, and her use of words never fail to hit me in the feels. Her works reflects this. Â So natural and honest. Â I could listen to her talk all day.
Another inspiration for me is the paintings of Charles Marion Russell. Â I grew up with theses in my home. They taught me how to tell stories and show emotion through imagery. Â How you should always try to make the person looking at your work want to explore it and find a deeper meaning.
What is one piece of advice you’d give to someone starting a newborn photography business?
Patience. Babies are people not props. Make sure to put their well being and safety above everything else. If you don’t get the shot, then you don’t get the shot. If baby is hungry, then stop and wait while they feed. Unsettled, hold them and rock them.
What camera do you use? What are your favourite lenses and what’s typically in your camera bag?
I use a Canon 6d with the Sigma 35mm 1.4 Art, except for macros where I have the Canon 100mm 2.8L lens.
What should clients expect when working with you?
A warm and relaxing session, with minimum fuss for mum and baby. I don’t require the use of white noise or a pacifier for my sessions as I like to be able to read babies cues at all times and make sure that they are alway happy, well fed and content.
<div class='fimage' style='padding:0px;width: 100%'><img src='https://apnpi.com/wp-content/uploads/formidable/27/twins.jpg' style='width: 100%;margin-bottom: 0px'><div class='overlay'><div><p>In their own little world</p><!-- [et_pb_line_break_holder] --></div></div></div>
<div class='fimage' style='padding:0px;width: 100%'><img src='https://apnpi.com/wp-content/uploads/formidable/27/2017-08-06_0003.jpg' style='width: 100%;margin-bottom: 0px'><div class='overlay'><div><p>Soft and delicately posed</p><!-- [et_pb_line_break_holder] --></div></div></div>
<div class='fimage' style='padding:0px;width: 100%'><img src='https://apnpi.com/wp-content/uploads/formidable/27/2017-06-06_0003.jpg' style='width: 100%;margin-bottom: 0px'><div class='overlay'><div><p>Sweet and simple</p><!-- [et_pb_line_break_holder] --></div></div></div>
<div class='fimage' style='padding:0px;width: 100%'><img src='https://apnpi.com/wp-content/uploads/formidable/27/Toby.jpg' style='width: 100%;margin-bottom: 0px'><div class='overlay'><div><p>Life after loss.</p><!-- [et_pb_line_break_holder] --></div></div></div>
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