Located in Franklinton, North Carolina US

“The one thing I wish I would have done sooner is a CODB (cost of doing business) so that I began charging what I needed to keep my business profitable…”
Who has inspired you and how did you first come across their work?
My biggest photographer crushes are Meg Bitton, who I origonally stumbled across on facebook and I fell in love with her dreamy edits and more specifically to newborns, I love Andrea Kinter and Dewdrops by Amy for their classic and perfect newborn sessions!
What is one piece of advice you’d give to someone starting a newborn photography business?
My one piece of advice to anyone beginning in newborn photography is to think of the baby’s safety first and foremost. You will be requested to do all sorts of things to get a specifically cute photo of the baby, but before jumping into posing a precious baby in vulnerable positions, research the proper ways to do it! APNPI has a great learning program for anyone beginning or in need of a refresher course!
What camera do you use? What are your favourite lenses and what’s typically in your camera bag?
I use a Nikon D3s and I have a D700 as my backup camera. My favorite lens for outdoor photography is my Tamron 70-200mm and for newborn work in studio I love my sigma 24-70mm so I can always remain close to the baby. At any given time both of those lenses are in my camera bag along with bubbles for playtime with my clients and perhaps candy or stickers for bribery (I’m not above it haha)
What is your favorite place to hold sessions and why?Where do you photograph most of your sessions? (in studio? on location?)
I use to travel to clients homes but I was having trouble keeping my work consistent due to lack of studio lighting, props that I could bring, backdrops, temperature for baby comfort etc. So now I only offer in studio newborn portraits so I can control everything!!
Growing pains: tell us about some of your challenges you have faced in your business, and how you overcame them.
Growing pains are still happening and I have been in business for 5+ years now. Honestly the one thing I wish I would have done sooner is a CODB (cost of doing business) so that I began charging what I needed to keep my business profitable (or at least breaking even) but it took me a long time of overworking myself and tons of stress for me to finally break down and do the math making sure I charged what was needed.

Some of my favorite newborn images are of the simplest poses with baby as the focus and just a few sweet details to accent their cuteness!!

What do you do when baby is bright-eyed and not interested in sleeping? You swaddle her and lay her in fluffy peach goodness!

Awaiting their greatest adventure yet!

This sweet angel was named after her great-grandmother who recently passed before she was born. To memorialize her we included a few sentimental things in the baby's session...her great grandma's bible, quilt, and this beautiful chair that her namesake adored! I love including family heirlooms and sentimental props in my sessions!