Located in Phoenix, Arizona US
Keep it simple. Things will trend out. The only thing that is important is the baby and the connection. Focus on that, and you cannot go wrong.
Tell us about yourself. What do you love doing in your spare time? What inspired you to newborn photography and do you photograph other genre’s in your business?
Hi! My name is Amanda. I am a maternity, newborn, and motherhood portrait photographer specializing in bold, black and white, minimalistic studio portraits. In my spare time I love to be a mom/ wife, do family life, and host friends for dinner or girls wine nights.
Newborn photography was one of the last genres I learned in my photography career, and by far the longest learning curve. I started as an assistant wedding and portrait photographer for my mom before she retired. I then began with portraits and eventually found a love for maternity portraits, especially as I experienced pregnancy and birth myself, the passion for capturing the magic of a women’s body grew. Also after two very difficult and traumatic pregnancy/ birth stories, my desire grew to capture this special time and these precious, and tiny beings, for mommas to look back on and cherish- I knew this was my niche.
How would you describe your photography style? What inspires your work?
My photography style is heavily inspired by simplicity. I only use monochromatic, white, black etc. I have a LOVE for Black and white portraits as well.
My photography style is unique, bold, empowering, classic, timeless, and clean.
Who has inspried you and how did you first come across their work?
I am inspired by shelly ferguson, nataliedmi_ph, and I am sure others! I am not sure how I found each of them but I love simplicity and I love searching the latest styles and scrolling Instagram , vogue/ magazines and searching for inspiration for different ideas for work.
What is one piece of advice you’d give to someone starting a newborn photography business?
Keep it simple. Things will trend out. The only thing that is important is the baby and the connection. Focus on that, and you cannot go wrong.
What camera do you use? What are your favourite lenses and what’s typically in your camera bag?
I use my canon r6 body and I love 35 mm for most works.
What is your favorite place to hold sessions and why? Where do you photograph most of your sessions? (in studio? on location?)
I love my studio. Its clean, white, classic and I am able to control all the elements. I have a client closet full of outfits that makes creating super fun!
What (if any) photography training, mentoring or workshops have you taken?
I have taken many classes along the way. I highly recommend taking classes. Every course or video or study I have done, I take away knowledge to help me and my skills and my business grow. I have also read, studied, gone to shoot outs etc. I took a course from shelly Ferguson way back when and I am sure others. I also recently took Lindsay Adler course as well.
Tell us about starting your business, and what played a key role in developing a profitable income.
I am a former high school math teacher turned photographer. In between assisting my mom and starting my business, I went to school to be a teacher , got my masters and taught for a few years. I was a hobbyist photographer on the side. When I had my daughter, I became a stay at home mom. This is when my business started to boom. I had more time to focus on it and it grew to what I never could have imagined. My math background helps me with the business side of things and helped me to set up a profitable business model.
Growing pains: tell us about some of your challenges you have faced in your business, and how you overcame them.
Growth is always a challenge. I wasn’t intending this to be my life career, but here I am, loving it. The turning point in my life when I had to make a decision if this was the goal for my life or if I was going to use my degree and go back to teaching/ become a principal and use my masters degree, was a turning point. I had to decide if I was ready to commit and open a commercial space or if I wanted to keep it as a hobbyist/ side gig. I jumped in feet first, and the rest is history.
What should clients expect when working with you?
Clients should expect clear communication, an enthusiastic photographer, full service experience including styling with client closet items, and photographers expertise in digital art and guidance with heirloom product selection.
beautiful momma. backlit silhouette
dreamy details. mom and dad holding baby bump
style in simplicity.
momma strong