Hiring an APNPI Certified Newborn Photographer
Enjoy peace of mind knowing you are placing your baby in the hands of a Safety Educated APNPI Photographer.
Our directory listings will connect you with APNPI Newborn Photographers. Each listing identifies the skill level of the photographer, so you will know what you can expect from them and from your session.
Each photographer listed has been Safety Educated in the unique needs of infants.
Currently the APNPI has three main levels of certification that comes after the Safety Education. All members are Safety Educated and have attained their QNP before they can market themselves as APNPI members. The three levels are as follows:
Qualified Newborn Photographer (QNP) – this certificate demonstrates proficiency as a photographer skilled in lighting, camera functions, artistic composition, and working with a range of family scenarios including multiples, siblings, and family portraiture. You can expect that a QNP photographer is either well established in business practices, or emerging in that area, have successfully passed an extensive business portfolio review, and are striving toward, or have completed levels of Accreditation. They are capable of taking on a wide range of photography challenges, and have demonstrated competence and proficiency in producing a well rounded and satisfactory gallery for any given client. This certificate is an excellent indicator that separates a skilled professional from the hobbyist.
Accreditations: At the accreditation level, photographers are now taking their art to a higher level with the fine tuning and honing of their specialties within their field. They must achieve a minimum standard in order to earn their accreditation in specific accreditation categories. Hiring an APNPI Accredited Photographer will give you peace of mind that you are hiring an educated, experienced and professional photographer competent in both their craft and in business.
Masters Designations: The Masters Designations level indicates a newborn photographer who has achieved outstanding results in photography and business, and is now starting to give back to the community in various leadership and mentorship roles. Hiring a photographer of this level is nothing short of a real treat.